Montag, 18. Juli 2011

Open Call for GDD 2011 HTML5 / ADK

Von Google zum GoogleDeveloperDay organisiert, startet heute Abend der Open Call rund um das Android ADK (Android Open Accessory Development Kit) und  HTML5.

Wichtig: Heute Nacht geht es los mit der ersten Runde ADK I. 5:00 pm PDT

Open Call Introduction:
Think you've got what it takes to show the world how developers in your country code?
This year, with Open Call for Google Developer Day, we will be showcasing works from developers across each of the eight GDD countries.

And we want you to get involved!

This year’s Open Call challenges will focus on the Android ADK and HTML5 platforms, while giving you a chance to show us why your GDD country rocks. No matter which challenge you choose, your submission must reflect the regional culture of the GDD that you will be attending, be this through music, creative imagery, lighting or colors--the opportunities are endless!
The challenges will be announced on July 18 for the Android ADK and August 1 for HTML5. You will have one week to turn around your submissions for the glory of being featured as a top developer in your country.Working with our local GTUGs and experts in the greater developer community, a panel of judges in each country will select 10 submissions from each of the challenges to be featured online and in-person at Google Developer Day.

NOTE: Open Call is considered a supplement to your GDD application packet. Participation is optional, but we'd love to see your passion shine through! 

Natürlich planen die deutschen GTUGs (GoogleTechnologyUserGroups) wieder eine Menge Highlights rund um den Berliner GDD am 19ten November, mehr dazu folgt in Kürze.

Oh und die Preise, fast hätte ich die Preise für den Open Call vergessen:

Each of the 10 challenges will have 10 winners for a total of 100 winners who will receive a ticket to attend Google I/O on May 10 -11, 2011 in San Francisco, CA. Each winner will need to pass both challenges (1) Round I and (2) Round II, in order to qualify.

Open Call:

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