Dienstag, 29. November 2011

International Open Data Hackathon

What is it?
"It’s a gathering of citizens in cities around the world to write applications, liberatedata, create visualizations and publish analyses using open public data to show support for and encourage the adoption open data policies by the world's local, regional and national governments."
03rd of December 2011

How/Where can i participate?

In Germany: Berlin, Frankfurt am Main


Montag, 24. Oktober 2011

Wikimedia October 2011 Coding Challenge

Auszug aus: October 2011 Coding Challenge

The Wikimedia Foundation is pleased to announce the October 2011 Coding Challenge.

Our goal is simple. We want to find great coders who are also committed to the Wikimedia vision: a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. We have selected coding challenges that we believe are exciting and achievable, and will be useful to Wikipedia users worldwide.

Grand prize winners for each challenge will receive an all-expenses paid trip to a Wikimedia event of their choice in 2012. Other winners will receive a certificate of coding excellence from the Wikimedia Foundation (a great addition to anyone's CV.)

Contest entries will be accepted until November 7, 2011, 23:59 UTC. Code must be uploaded to Github, Gitorious, or MediaWiki and must be fully open source. See the rules and the FAQ for details.

Got a problem? Email us at codingchallenge@wikimedia.org.


Freitag, 14. Oktober 2011

code-n contest

CODE n sucht die 50 innovativsten jungen Entrepreneure:

“Shaping Mobile Life” – today and tomorrow!

The race is on: CODE_n is looking for the world’s 50 most innovative young entrepreneurs for digital and mobile solutions. The innovators and their ideas will be presented at the 2012 CeBIT show in Hanover, Germany. The theme: “Shaping Mobile Life” – today and tomorrow.

Maybe you’re not a young entrepreneur, but you know the ropes of the mobile world and never miss a trend? Then enter our blog contest and share your thoughts, opinions and experiences with the global mobile community.

What’s the theme of the contest?

Who will be the next Steve Jobs of the mobile revolution? What will mobility be like in 20 years? Will real-time communication become an established force, or will Twitter be forgotten in five years? How will smartphones, Foursquare and the like change our lives and work? We want your opinions and ideas!

What can I win?

The three most creative contributions will be awarded. The winners can look forward to:

First prize: € 700; second prize: € 200; third prize: € 100.
- via http://blog.code-n.org/en/blog-contest/

Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2011

euHackathon: Hack4Transparency

[content from http://www.euhackathon.eu]

8-9 November 2011, Brussels, Belgium: Come Hack4Transparency with Us!

Deadline for applications: Monday 17 October! Travel and accomodation costs paid by the organisers for each selected applicant (or selected team).
The Hack4Transparency event will take place from Tuesday 8 to Wednesday 9 November 2011 and will be the first-ever ‘hackathon’ within the premises of the European Institutions, more specifically in the European Parliament in Brussels. The location aims to reinforce the symbolic value of uniting the ‘old’ (i.e. the European Institutions and law-makers) with the ‘new’ world (i.e. the Internet and the hackers). It also puts the European Parliament at the forefront of innovative legislators in the digital rights arena.
The goal of the event is to get together talented European developers to facilitate the co-creation of tools based on existing code and data sources within a 24-hour time constraint in two distinct and parallel development tracks, both focused on enabling transparency and accountability in the information society. In doing so the event wants to help build bridges between code and law (to paraphrase Lawrence Lessig) by joining hackers (in a positive sense), civil society, industry and legislators for the benefit of all European citizens.
Click here to learn more about our Call4Applications. And who knows, maybe you will be the winner of one of our Hack4Transparency awards (3000,00 Eur for first prize for each track).

More http://www.euhackathon.eu/call4apps/

Montag, 19. September 2011

API Mashup

Are you a developer from Germany or another central-European country with an idea to build something awesome using an API? Submit your idea to our API Mashup Contest Germany by the end of November. You will have fun and will get connected to Jury members (mostly German internet gurus) who will assess the business viability of your project and provide feedback. Additionally, you might get contacts from people who might like your idea as well and will join your team. Finally, you will get prizes from some of our sponsors that will make your first steps in business easier. Later on, the best projects will be offered further continuous help from additional mentors and angel investors. Top projects will receive media coverage thanks to our media sponsor and partners.

Dienstag, 9. August 2011

Global AWS Start-Up Challenge 2011

Auch im Jahre 2011 gibt es wieder eine Amazon Web Services Start-Up Challenge.
Gesucht werden gute Ideen welche sich Amazons Dienstleistungen umsetzen lassen.

Als 1. Preis winken $50K + 50K AWS. Die 6 regionalen Gewinner bekommen 10K AWS und eine Reise in Siegerverleihung. Für 15 Halbfinalisten gibt es jeweils 2.5K AWS. Und jeder der etwas einreicht bekommt immer noch 25 AWS.

Einsendeschluss ist der 2.10.2011.

Montag, 18. Juli 2011

Open Call for GDD 2011 HTML5 / ADK

Von Google zum GoogleDeveloperDay organisiert, startet heute Abend der Open Call rund um das Android ADK (Android Open Accessory Development Kit) und  HTML5.

Wichtig: Heute Nacht geht es los mit der ersten Runde ADK I. 5:00 pm PDT

Open Call Introduction:
Think you've got what it takes to show the world how developers in your country code?
This year, with Open Call for Google Developer Day, we will be showcasing works from developers across each of the eight GDD countries.

And we want you to get involved!

This year’s Open Call challenges will focus on the Android ADK and HTML5 platforms, while giving you a chance to show us why your GDD country rocks. No matter which challenge you choose, your submission must reflect the regional culture of the GDD that you will be attending, be this through music, creative imagery, lighting or colors--the opportunities are endless!
The challenges will be announced on July 18 for the Android ADK and August 1 for HTML5. You will have one week to turn around your submissions for the glory of being featured as a top developer in your country.Working with our local GTUGs and experts in the greater developer community, a panel of judges in each country will select 10 submissions from each of the challenges to be featured online and in-person at Google Developer Day.

NOTE: Open Call is considered a supplement to your GDD application packet. Participation is optional, but we'd love to see your passion shine through! 

Natürlich planen die deutschen GTUGs (GoogleTechnologyUserGroups) wieder eine Menge Highlights rund um den Berliner GDD am 19ten November, mehr dazu folgt in Kürze.

Oh und die Preise, fast hätte ich die Preise für den Open Call vergessen:

Each of the 10 challenges will have 10 winners for a total of 100 winners who will receive a ticket to attend Google I/O on May 10 -11, 2011 in San Francisco, CA. Each winner will need to pass both challenges (1) Round I and (2) Round II, in order to qualify.

Open Call:

Adobe Mobile Challenge

Entwickelt bis zum 1sten September eine App für Android, iOS oder Blackberry und gewinnt eine Reise zur Adobe MAX im Oktober 2011, inklusive Flug und Übernachtung!

Weitere Sachpreise sowie spezielle Kategorien werden ausgezeichnet, darunter Preise für

  • User Experience/Design 
  • Application Architecture 
  • Neuigkeitsgrad/Innovation 
  • Nützlichkeit für den Benutzer
Die Jury, bestehend aus den Adobe Experten Michaël ChaizeSerge Jespers, Mark Doherty und meinem neuen Adobekumpel Andre Jay Meissner, der rein zufällig auch einer der Judges für den Open Call HTML5 ist.

Mehr Informationen und die benötigten Tools findet ihr unter:

ESA GMES Masters

Die ESA veranstaltet rund um das GMES, das Global Monitoring for Environment and Security im Rahmen der GMES Masters einen mobile App Contest mit insgesamt 60.000 Euro Preisgeld. Nichts wie ran!

  • Participants are required to submit application ideas incl. business concepts.
  • Working prototypes are welcome but not necessaryto be eligible.
  • Participants are requested to upload a visualisation (e.g. screenshot) of the app design.
  • In addition to concepts for new mobile apps it is also possible to submit ideas of how to extend existing apps by adding GMES data (e.g. enriching weather apps by providing information on location-based UV-radiation).
  • Participants are requested to describe which data they will need to make their app operational, on the basic assumption that GMES data will be available and free of charge.
  • Submission is open for all mobile operating systems.  

The winner will be considered for support by one of the five European Space Agency's Business Incubation Centres (ESA BICs) across Europe. The incubation package has a value of up to 60,000 Euro.
As part of the OverallContest GMES Masters you, as a winner of the ESA App Challenge can also win the Overall Contest:
The overall winner – the GMES Master – will be selected amongst the winners of - the Ideas Challenge, - the ESA App Challenge, - the DLR Environmental Challenge and - the T-Systems Cloud Challenge  by a panel of experts and will receive an additional cash prize of EUR 20,000.
The website for the contest is: